A new electronic music project, Batuk, is making people dance in the clubs of Johannesburg, South Africa. But Batuk is not the average club act….

“Le proteste nello Zimbabwe, #thisflag. Ne parliamo con Gaia Manco, giornalista freelance in collegamento da Johannesburg” Details Date: 13.7.2016 Type: Radio correspondence (live) Language:…

I am proud to announce that this report is the first of a series that I am doing for Radiotelevisione Svizzera (RSI) “Una curiosità sulla società…

La politica sudafricana e la nuova legge sull’esproprio terriero. In diretta da Johannesburg. Details Date: 31.5.2016 Type: Radio correspondence (live) Language: Italian Outlet: RaiRadio1 Place:…

Maia Marie wants to end the separation between black and white people in South Africa, even 20 years after the end of Apartheid. So she…

The Italian new migrants’ poster girl is back! I was interview by the -very nice- producers of Cartoline dall’altra Italia, Agenzia Giornalistica 9Colonne There are…

I love giving lectures and speeches, especially if I can use them to motivate the people in front of me. So you can imagine how…