South African university students are continuing the struggle for a free decolonised higher education. The protests of 2016 reignited when in October the government allowed…

In this interview I tell how i created my own job of ‘giving voice to stories that matter’. “Ho scritto, telefonato, mi sono presentata con…

La politica sudafricana e le proteste studentesche. In diretta da Johannesburg. Details Date: 28.10.2016 Type: Radio correspondence (live) Language: Italian Outlet: RaiRadio1 Place: Johannesburg,…

La politica sudafricana e la nuova legge sull’esproprio terriero. In diretta da Johannesburg. Details Date: 31.5.2016 Type: Radio correspondence (live) Language: Italian Outlet: RaiRadio1 Place:…

E’ stata ritenuta irrazionale la decisione di non processare l’attuale presidente del Sudafrica, Jacob Zuma. Lo ritiene l’Alta Corte di Giustizia di Pretoria che ha…

Maia Marie wants to end the separation between black and white people in South Africa, even 20 years after the end of Apartheid. So she…

World in Progress explores issues of globalization, education, economic development, poverty alleviation, human rights and more. On this week’s program: The water crisis facing residents…